Project Cycle Management (PCM)
Public, private organizations and NGOs usually carry out temporary or permanent projects which consist of different resources. To plan and manage these resources effectively and efficiently within given timeframes, the project managers should use the principles and tools of PCM. This will ensure the maximum utilization of resources and achievement of objectives.
Achieving good results in developing projects starts with proper planning. A thorough analysis of the problems that the project intends to solve should include extensive stakeholder engagement and consultations.
The subsequent project design needs to be concisely formulated, and a standardized format such as the logical framework, is often required. The log frame serves as a tool for comprehensive project formulation, a practical guide during implementation, and can also serve as the basis for monitoring and evaluation.

Project Cycle Management
Introduction to the various stages of the project cycle and how they are interlinked; understand the tasks and responsibilities in each of the stages.

Logical Framework (LF)
Developing a LF matrix; problem analysis; stakeholder analysis; defining project objectives and strategies; setting up activities needed to achieve objectives; identifying indicators and means of verification; measuring progress and results; developing indicators; gathering information needed to verify indicators; considering risks and assumptions; identifying external factors necessary to achieve project objectives.

Using the LF as a basis, learn how to estimate resources required and prepare a budget that is logically linked to the activities in the project design.