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Monitoring Evaluation and Learning References
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End line Evaluation of national action plan of UNSCR 1325
In an efforts to evaluate project of UNSCR 1325 which is implemented by Jordan National Action Plan for the implementation of UN Security Council resolution on1325 on Women ,Please and Security , Dajani Consulting was commissioned by UNWOMEN Jordan to evaluate the project outputs in an efforts to design phase II of the project. The evaluation included qualitative and quantitative survey of beneficiates to better understand the strength and challenges of the project. The project also included evaluation of the communication and outreach strategy used to implement the project.
Jordan Emergency Cash Transfer COVID-19 Response Project independent verification agents
Jordan National Aid fund and Ministry of Planning have appointment Dajani Consulting to carry out the verification review of Project implementation, including, inter alia, accuracy of Safety Net Transfer payments and Wage Subsidies, eligibility of Beneficiaries, and confirmation of receipt of funds by the Project Beneficiaries in Takaful-2, Takaful-3 and Istidama Programs. The project included calling 12000 participants to verify the process, analyze the data and writing a report .
Preparation of the annual report of JONAP
In 2022, Jordan National Commission for Women (JNCW) the development of Annual report 2021 of Jordan National Action Plan (JONAP) for the implementation of UN security council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security, utilizing JONAP monitoring system and indicators, financed by UN Women. The reporting included interviews and meetings with key stakeholders and partners implementing the action plan in various target areas, sectors and community segments in Jordan. The final report was delivered in Arabic and English.
Providing Opportunities with Education (POWER-J) Data Collection (August 2021 – March 2022)
The objective of POWER-J is to evaluate the impact of socio-emotional and pedagogical classroom interventions on students’ cognitive and behavioural skills and, conditional on that, evaluate the effects on improving the teaching and learning environment. If proven effective, the Ministry’s aim is to institutionalize the program. Dajani Consulting was contracted by World Bank to perform a midline and end line survey to collect data from student and teachers in 105 treatment schools and 105 control schools, related to social emotional learning (SEL) using several instruments, and use this information to produce clean datasets useful enough to measure the socioemotional skills of students and teachers in the 210 treatment and control group public schools, as a result of implementing behavioral lessons and pedagogical intervention.
Evaluation of the Targeting Mechanism for TAKAFUL Program at the National Aid Fund
As a part of the National Aid Fund expansion in providing services for more vulnerable Jordanians, the World Bank hired Dajani Consulting to evaluate and audit the accuracy of the current model process, and identify sources of error and propose improvements, examine the ability of the Cash Transfer Program “TAKAFUL” to reach and address the vulnerabilities and needs of informal workers, identify bottlenecks in the implementation of outreach, registration, data verification, enrolment processes, and addressing grievances. A survey of 2640 households was launched by Dajani Consulting and data collected, analyzed and presented to the World Bank with feedback on the applicability of selection measure of most vulnerable Jordanian.
Independent verification of use of services by targeted beneficiaries for the Jordan Emergency Health Program (JEHP)
Jordan has received financing from the World Bank and the Islamic Development Bank in the form of loan implemented by Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation with support of Ministry of Health and Audit Bureau, to cover the running cost resulting from providing healthcare services to Syrian refugees and poor Jordanians under the project “Jordan Emergency Health Program”. The objective of the verification assignment is to provide solid evidence about the actual utilization of the healthcare services by target beneficiaries, through employing the services of Dajani Consulting as an independent, unbiased audit/ verification entity (UVE). The resulting reports of the UVE will be adopted by Ministry of Planning to support the decision of financial reimbursements by World Bank and Islamic Development Bank to Ministry of Health. The assignment includes sample preparation of the healthcare centers and hospitals as well as patients, field visits to verify the records at healthcare facilities, analysis and reporting. The assignment will be implemented for 5 rounds which started 2018 until 2022.
Development of the Third Year National Progress Report for JONAP 1325
Back in year 2000, the UN Security council issued a resolution number 1325 on women, peace and security, which was adopted by all members of the council. The resolution acknowledges the disproportionate and unique impact of armed conflicts on women around the world. One the main mandates of the Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW) is to oversee the implementation of the Jordanian National Action Plan (JONAP) on UNSCR 1325. This plan has M&E component with clear targets and indicators over the time frame which is 2019 – 2021. The JONAP implementation is supported by UN Women. JNCW issues an annual report detailing the progress of JONAP. Dajani Consulting was assigned to prepare the 3rd annual report, through the review of the M&E framework including indicators, and study of related literature and reports. The assignment also included carrying out semi structured qualitative interviews with a sample of JONAP stakeholders. By the end of the assignment, Dajani Consulting held a consultative workshop to present the results and submitted the final report.
Providing Opportunities with Education (POWER-J) Data Collection (August 2021 – March 2022)
The objective of POWER-J is to evaluate the impact of socio-emotional and pedagogical classroom interventions on students’ cognitive and behavioral skills and, conditional on that, evaluate the effects on improving the teaching and learning environment. If proven effective, the Ministry’s aim is to institutionalize the program. Dajani Consulting was contracted by World Bank to perform a midline and end line survey to collect data from student and teachers in 105 treatment schools and 105 control schools, related to social emotional learning (SEL) using several instruments, and use this information to produce clean datasets useful enough to measure the socioemotional skills of students and teachers in the 210 treatment and control group public schools, as a result of implementing behavioral lessons and pedagogical intervention.
Independent verification of use of services by targeted beneficiaries for the Jordan Emergency Health Program (JEHP) On going
Jordan has received financing from the World Bank and the Islamic Development Bank in the form of loan implemented by Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation with support of Ministry of Health and Audit Bureau, to cover the running cost resulting from providing healthcare services to Syrian refugees and poor Jordanians under the project “Jordan Emergency Health Program”. The objective of the verification assignment is to provide solid evidence about the actual utilization of the healthcare services by target beneficiaries, through employing the services of Dajani Consulting as an independent, unbiased audit/ verification entity (UVE). The resulting reports of the UVE will be adopted by Ministry of Planning to support the decision of financial reimbursements by World Bank and Islamic Development Bank to Ministry of Health. The assignment includes sample preparation of the healthcare centers and hospitals as well as patients, field visits to verify the records at healthcare facilities, analysis and reporting. The project stared back in 2016 and shall continue till 2023 .
Youth Monitors Project for local municipalities
Dajani Consulting provided services to Partners for Good (PfG) organization in Jordan, implementing the “Youth Monitors” services for Municipal Services and Social Resilience Project (MSSRP), which is a project financed by World Bank and managed by Cities and Villages Development Bank (CVDB). The selected nine municipalities are awarded a grant to implement a productive service or manufacturing investment project to benefit the community and at the same time employ Jordanian and Syrian refugee youth. PfG and Dajani Consulting is responsible of recruiting, training and qualifying youth volunteers in the municipalities to monitor the labor conditions followed by contractors for a period of six months during establishment of the investment projects.