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Market Research Exploring References
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Market Research Exploring
Market Research Exploring References
Reference Name
Outcome Monitoring Survey of Households of Persons with Disabilities
Dajani Consulting conducted a comprehensive market research initiative as part of the Outcome Monitoring Exercise for the rehabilitation and Early Childhood Development (ECD) components on behalf of Humanity & Inclusion (HI). The exercise involved engaging with over 500 households across Jordan, focusing on families with members with disabilities who benefit from rehabilitation and early intervention services provided by HI-supported healthcare institutions. The primary goal was to evaluate beneficiaries perceptions and satisfaction with the quality of these services. Key activities undertaken included: • Updating beneficiary information to ensure accurate data records. • Recruiting and training a team of skilled field enumerators to conduct data collection effectively. • Organizing door-to-door data collection through face-to-face interviews and administering questionnaires using the Survey CTO platform. • Delivering the collected data electronically to HI for further analysis and decision-making.
End of Term Evaluation of “Supporting Economic Resilience for Refugees and Vulnerable Host Communities through Sustainable Job Creation in Turkey and Jordan Program”
Dajani Consulting, in partnership with Development Minds – Turkey, conducted an extensive evaluation of a program implemented by SPARK International and its partner organizations in Jordan and Turkey from 2020 to 2024. The program, funded by the Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD), aimed to support beneficiaries across its four key components: Skill-Up, Scale-Up, Match-Up, and Start-Up. The evaluation process involved gathering data from over 1,000 beneficiaries, representing Syrian refugees and host communities. To ensure comprehensive insights, the team employed a range of research and data collection methods, including Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI), Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI), Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs). The findings were consolidated into a detailed final report, which was submitted to SPARK International and QFFD to inform future program strategies and initiatives.
Tamweelcom Strategy and Business Plan Survey
In 2023, Dajani Consulting contributed to the data collection from retailers and micro businesses of MFIs, as well as mystery shopping of MFIs branches, as part of a strategic plan development for Tamweelcom MFI in Jordan, assigned by “Inspiring Development” consultants – Germany, funded by Sanad fund. The research included interviews with more than 50 microfinance customers, as well as mystery shopping calls and visits to more than 14 branches of MFIs in Amman and Zarqa.
Socio-Economic study of Marka Camp for Palestinian Refugees
As a part of the camp improvement project for Marka camp funded by KfW, UNRWA has contracted Dajani Consulting to conduct a socio-economic door-to-door survey with the purpose to assess the economic and social status for all residents of Market camp. The assessment census included information collection from Palestinian refugees households to identify of priority interventions for future improvement and development of camp, in aspects such as infrastructure, municipal services, transport, environment as well as others. The project included households data collection for over 10,000 household residing in more than 4,500 buildings covering the full area of Marka camp located east of Amman city. The study included mapping of buildings and their uses, employing GIS locations and tablet devices, and implemented by a team of more than 40 field enumerators and supervisors.
Assessing and Evaluating the Impact of Pandemic on Employment and other Economic Opportunities for Women in Jordan
Dajani Consulting, commissioned by UN Women, conducted data collection and cleaning for a research study assessing the pandemics impact on womens employment in Jordan. The study examined its effects across various economic sectors and explored opportunities to enhance womens labor market participation. It involved 1,200 interviews with women, 600 with business owners, and 36 stakeholder and key informant interviews.
Market and Labor Assessment and Value Chain Analysis
In 2021, the Near East Foundation (NEF) launched the Enhancing Economic Resilience Program in Jordan as a Development Impact Bond (DIB) to support refugees and vulnerable Jordanians through Siraj Centre livelihood hubs. The program aimed to improve household self-reliance, economic well-being, and women’s confidence and agency. Target areas included Northern Hashmi (Amman), Kufr Soom (Irbid), Rusaifa (Zarqa), Irbid city, and Zarqa city. In 2022, NEF engaged Dajani Consulting to conduct a comprehensive market assessment and community mapping in these areas to design effective interventions. The team identified opportunities for micro and home-based businesses in sectors such as digital services, agriculture, handicrafts, and retail, analyzed market demand, and mapped value chains. Dajani Consulting also delivered training on value chain analysis, market linkages, and accessing finance. The final report provided actionable recommendations on high-potential value chains and business opportunities.
Youth Resilience Survey
The Youth Resilience Survey, a baseline study for the Young Cities Project by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) – UK, aimed to assess the resilience of Jordanian youth and their ability to navigate challenges and crises. Dajani Consulting managed the entire data collection process, including survey design, recruitment of enumerators, and data gathering. The survey, using piloted and statistically validated scales, measured resilience among a representative sample of 1,534 Jordanian youth aged 18 to 33. It consisted of 37 questions and was conducted through face-to-face interviews.
COVID-19 Impact on Palestinian Refugee Women and Girls
Dajani Consulting deployed a team of socio-economic experts to implement a project funded by JICA in coordination with the Department of Palestinian Affairs (DPA) to support Palestinian refugee women and girls during the COVID-19 pandemic. The project targeted five refugee camps in Jordan, conducting a household survey with 250 households to gather data on socio-economic conditions, home-based businesses, and the pandemics impact on these businesses as well as on sexual and gender-based violence within households. In addition, focus group discussions provided qualitative insights into these issues. The findings informed the development of capacity-building and business advisory services aimed at enhancing the womens economic resilience, particularly through e-commerce and online sales strategies.
Providing Opportunities with Education (POWER-J) Data Collection (August 2021 – March 2022)
The objective of the POWER-J project is to assess the impact of socio-emotional and pedagogical classroom interventions on students cognitive and behavioral skills, and, based on the findings, evaluate their effects on enhancing the teaching and learning environment. If effective, the Ministry plans to institutionalize the program. Dajani Consulting, contracted by the World Bank, conducted midline and endline surveys in 210 public schools (105 treatment and 105 control). The surveys gathered data from students and teachers using various instruments focused on social-emotional learning (SEL). The collected data was cleaned and processed to create datasets capable of measuring the socio-emotional skills of students and teachers resulting from the implementation of behavioral lessons and pedagogical interventions.
Global Worker Survey for VF Corporations Worker and Community Development Program
Vanity Fair (VF) Corporation, a global apparel and footwear company headquartered in Denver, Colorado, owns over 30 brands, including Dickies, JanSport, The North Face, and Vans. VF operates factories in more than 20 countries, combining VF-owned facilities with a network of suppliers. To enhance worker well-being and community development, VF launched the Worker and Community Development (WCD) Program, focusing on improving access to water and sanitation, health and nutrition, childcare, and education. The program aims to positively impact 1 million lives by 2025 and demonstrate the benefits of investing in workers lives. Under the WCD Program, Dajani Consulting conducted a global worker survey across 18 countries, involving 150 factories and using over 12 languages. In Jordan, seven factories were surveyed, with more than 1,000 workers from diverse nationalities, including Indian, Bengali, Syrian, and Jordanian. Utilizing the Kobo Toolbox platform, Dajani Consulting gathered data on workers needs, wages, benefits, and living costs, as well as feedback from factory management. The findings support VFs efforts to ensure living wages and target impactful initiatives, advancing its mission to improve workers lives and communities connected to its supply chain.